Comprehensive Patient-Centered Care Cycle
Step #2:

Upon analysis of patient examinations, lab results, biometric biomarkers, or patient histories, Symbol medical professionals will intervene. At this point, midlevel providers treat acute or episodic symptoms, address urgent issues or manage chronic conditions armed with more comprehensive, patient-specific data for evidence-based medical care.
Only when medications or specialty devices are necessary will our clinicians prescribe such therapies. Most patients requiring medication will be able to leave the Symbol Clinic with a generic, pre-packaged supply to immediately initiate therapies to get them back to work and wellness.
Primary Care
Data-driven, evidence-based:
- Disease Management
- Acute Care
- Episodic Care
- Urgent Care
- Blood testing with rapid results typically available within 10 minutes
- Lipid panel profiling your HDL, LDL, total cholesterol, trigylcerides and more
- Comprehensive metabolic panel
- Diagnostic testing for common illnesses like strep throat, mononucleosis or influenza
- Urine and stool sampling for other common conditions
- Pregnancy testing
- Rapid testing for sexually transmitted diseases
- Complex labwork gathered in-clinic but processed offsite with results available as soon as possible
- FDA-Approved, Non-Controlled Medication
- Onsite Dispensing of Pre-Packaged Generic Medications
- Higher Average Day Supply (80-day average) of Medications Than Typical Pharmacies
- Generic-to-Generic Management
- Constant Monitoring of Medication/Supply Prices