Health Management

Proactive Prevention Through Lifestyle Modification

Nutritious Diet

The Stakes

7 of 10 deaths in the U.S. are caused by chronic disease

The Stakes

1 in 2 Americans has a chronic disease. 1 in 5 has multiple chronic diseases. 27% of American children have chronic condition(s).
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The Diseases

Diabetes, Arthritis, Asthma, Heart Disease, Obesity, Tobacco Use, Pulmonary Diseases, Eating Disorders, Oral Health

The Diseases

These types of diseases can be managed, decreased, reversed, and/or prevented with appropriate, sustained action.
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The Doctors

Physicians often fail to provide adequate counseling on lifestyle management

The Doctors

Doctors may not have time, but Health Coaches are dedicated resources of lifestyle intervention
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The Solution

Symbol Health Solutions Health Management Program

The Solution

Health Coaching coupled with Symbol Clinic medical and pharmacotherapy lead to lasting wellness
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As Benjamin Franklin said, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

Symbol emphasizes the significance of Preventative Health Services as a primary component of our comprehensive patient-centered care model. Regular preventative care from quality healthcare providers helps employees stay healthy and out of the emergency room. Ongoing health coaching shifts individual mindsets, instilling sustainably healthier behavior for a lifetime of improved cardiovascular, pulmonary, gastrointestinal and mental health. 

Download the Symbol Health Management Program Overview

Biometric Screening

Health Risk Assessments

Health Coaching

Empowering Care Planning

Ongoing Motivation

Whole Workforce Education

Symbol Virtual Coaching App Phone

In-Person, Secure Satellite Stations & e-App Coaching

Options to suit unique workforce populations

Some workforces can attend health coaching sessions on the clock. Others may have long-distance remote employee populations. Whatever your workforce looks like, Symbol offers judgment-free health & wellness coaching options that work the way your employees do!

Symbol Health Coaches are Registered Dietitians, exercise physiologists, certified trainers, certified health educators & nutritionists

Win-Win With Symbol

The difference between preventative and diagnostic care matters for employers and employees relying on health insurance carriers to cover traditional out-of-pocket costs. While most insurance covers in-network preventative care at 100%, patients who experience new symptoms or changes to a chronic health condition may need to share some of the costs through copays, coinsurance or deductibles to get diagnostic care.

With Symbol, employers and their employees save time and money while receiving the best care from both preventative and diagnostic primary practitioners with ready-access to patient histories and health trends. Above all, Symbol is high-touch. And because of this personalized and patient-centered approach,  providers spend more time understanding and maintaining whole workforce health.

Making health and wellness coaching affordable and accessible to your workforce leads to better health outcomes in the long run. Talk to a Symbol Client Services representative to see if sponsoring a Symbol Clinic is a solution for your organization: